How To Know a Pregnant Shrimp (Observation & Care)

Knowing whether your shrimp is pregnant can be a challenge due to their small size and unique shape. 

However, by observing a few key signs, you can determine if your shrimp is expecting. 

In this article, we will explore how to observe and detect pregnancy in shrimp and provide essential care tips for both ghost shrimp and cherry shrimp.

How To Know a Pregnant Shrimp (Observation & Care)

Observing the Behavior of Pregnant Shrimp

How do you know if your shrimp is pregnant? Apart from physical signs, the behavior of a pregnant shrimp can also give you valuable clues.

Pregnant shrimp tend to display a more reclusive nature, seeking out hiding spots and staying away from other tank inhabitants.

They may also spend more time grazing and searching for food, as the energy demands of egg development increase.

By carefully observing these behavioral changes, you can gain further confidence in identifying a pregnant shrimp.

Some of the behavioral changes shown in a pregnant shrimp are found below:

1. Increased Nest Building:

One of the noticeable behavioral changes in pregnant shrimp is an intensified focus on nest building. Female shrimp create intricate and well-structured nests to protect their eggs. 

They meticulously arrange pieces of substrate, such as leaves or moss, to form a safe haven for their developing offspring. This behavior helps safeguard the eggs from potential threats, ensuring their survival.

2. Heightened Aggressiveness:

During pregnancy, female shrimp can exhibit heightened aggression towards tank mates, particularly if they perceive them as a threat to their eggs. 

They may become territorial and display aggressive behavior by chasing or nipping at other shrimp or fish. 

It is crucial to provide sufficient hiding spots and separate pregnant shrimp if necessary to avoid stress and potential harm to the eggs.

3. Decreased Activity Levels:

Pregnant shrimp tend to exhibit reduced activity levels compared to their non-pregnant counterparts.

They become more sedentary and spend significant amounts of time near or inside their nests. 

This decrease in activity is attributed to the energy-intensive process of egg development. Shrimp owners should ensure a calm and stress-free environment to support the pregnancy and minimize disturbances.

4. Altered Feeding Behavior:

Shrimp pregnancy can also lead to changes in feeding behavior. Pregnant shrimp may display decreased appetite and become more selective in their food choices. 

This change is influenced by hormonal shifts and the energy demands of pregnancy. It is essential to provide highly nutritious and easily digestible food options to support the health of pregnant shrimp and the development of their eggs.

5. Increased Sensitivity to Water Parameters:

Pregnant shrimp are more sensitive to changes in water parameters compared to non-pregnant individuals. They require stable and optimal conditions for successful egg development. 

Fluctuations in temperature, pH, or water quality can negatively impact the health of the eggs and the overall breeding process. Regular monitoring of water parameters and maintaining stable conditions are crucial during shrimp pregnancy.

Stages Of Pregnancy In Shrimps

  • Gravid Stage
  • Egg Incubation
  • Larval Development
  • Juvenile Stage 

How to Detect Pregnancy in Shrimp

Look for Egg Clusters

If your shrimp is pregnant, you will notice egg clusters near its abdomen.

Depending on the shrimp species, you may even be able to see the eggs themselves. For example, ghost shrimp often have visible green eggs.

Observe Color Changes

Pregnant shrimp often experience changes in color, including fading or becoming transparent.

These color variations are more noticeable as the pregnancy progresses. 

Although the color usually returns to normal after delivery, it may remain faded in some cases.

Notice Fanning Behavior

Shrimp may fan their legs to provide oxygen to the eggs or alleviate discomfort caused by them.

If you observe your shrimp fanning its legs, it is likely a sign of pregnancy.

Observe an Increase in Size

Pregnant shrimp will have a visibly larger belly due to carrying a substantial number of eggs. Some shrimp species can carry up to 80 eggs at once, making their bellies appear noticeably larger.

Monitor Male Shrimp Behavior

Male shrimp tend to follow and engage with pregnant shrimp to assert dominance and fertilize the eggs. If you witness males fighting over a particular shrimp, it is a strong indication of pregnancy.

Look for White Dots Under the Tail

The presence of white dots near the rear legs indicates that the shrimp’s eggs have been fertilized, confirming pregnancy.

Notice Behavior Changes

Pregnant shrimp will often seek out hiding spots to give birth in a safe and concealed area. 

If you observe your shrimp going missing or constantly searching for a secluded place, it is a sign that they are about to give birth.

Caring for Pregnant Shrimp

1. Separate Pregnant Ghost Shrimp

To maximize the survival rate of baby ghost shrimp, transfer the pregnant shrimp to a separate tank. Ghost shrimp are transparent, making it easy to identify the eggs. As soon as you spot the eggs, move the pregnant shrimp to the new tank.

2. Provide Appropriate Food for Baby Shrimp

Baby ghost shrimp have small mouths and require specialized food. Purchase dry food, moss, or algae powder suitable for their nutritional needs. Feed them in small portions to prevent starvation.

3. Keep Baby Shrimp in a Separate Tank

Maintain a separate tank for the baby shrimp for approximately five weeks. During this time, they will grow large enough to join the community tank.

Ensuring Optimal Conditions for Breeding Cherry Shrimp:

For cherry shrimp, you can breed them in the same tank as adults but ensure certain conditions are met:

Remove Predators

Ensure there are no predators in the tank that might harm the baby shrimp.

Provide Sufficient Cover

Offer plenty of hiding spots and covers for pregnant shrimp to safely give birth and provide shelter for the baby shrimp.

Choose the Right Filter

Opt for a sponge filter or use a cover to prevent baby shrimp from getting sucked into the filter.

In conclusion, understanding the signs of a pregnant shrimp and providing appropriate care is crucial for shrimp enthusiasts. 

By observing certain indicators and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure the well-being of your pregnant shrimp and support the successful development of their offspring.


How long does a shrimp pregnancy period last?

Shrimp have a reproductive process that involves the female releasing eggs into the water, which are then fertilized externally by the male. The fertilized eggs develop and hatch into tiny larvae, which undergo a series of stages before maturing into adult shrimp.

Where do shrimp lay their eggs?

Shrimps lay their eggs inside the river or pond for their male specie to fertilize it.

How many babies do pregnant shrimps have?

Shrimp will typically carry between 20 – 30 eggs, and even if all of them hatch without problem, you will probably only see a handful of babies in the first few days.

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